Suspended in weightlessness cut off from the buzzing frequency I closed my eyes and visualized the loving face of my dog that was just put down. I felt the grief of his essence no longer here but soon I was overcome by joy as my mind shifted into replays of all the love we shared together. All the walks and cuddles looped for about 30 min. I cried I laughed but most of all I was grateful to have this safe uninterrupted space to incite some closure. It felt healthy to not have any judgement as I grieved. No opinions just me and my memories. I sat and thought about the impermanence of all things I felt ok with the natural cycles life takes. Although it is never easy to say ciao it reminds us to be more present with those we love. To take days off of our maddening routines and just be with whomever or whatever we care about. Those are the experiences and memories we will never forget and always hold in our hearts. As I slipped off into deep rest I woke up with a smile the waves of emotions had passed and I felt clear and lighter. My time in the tank was finished and I visualized one more I love you to louie. Until our atoms dance again in another reality brother, rest easy.

Louie had cancer we removed one of the legs where it was located. He was doing great with chemo and we got some extra time with him. This past week he declined rapidly he couldn't walk and was constantly in pain. The decision was made based on his quality of life being non existent. ( he was 80lbs but in his mind he was 20lbs and would climb into your lap to cuddle) <3
With love